Resource Library
Whether you are caregiving, grieving, supporting a bereaved caregiver, or looking to further your knowledge and skills on the topic, it can be hard to find the right services. Consult our resource library below to find out about the services available.
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If you are unable to find what you are looking for or would like some guidance in your search:
Our resource library is updated regularly. If you would like to suggest a resource to add:
Canadian Caregivers Advisory Network (Caregivers CAN)
The Canadian Caregivers Advisory Network (Caregivers CAN) (formerly Caregivers4Change) assembles passionate and knowledgeable caregivers, researchers and allies to find practical solutions to challenges and mobilize for change. Advocacy group with a focus on supporting caregivers using lived experience as a guide, education, network-building and advocacy.
Talking about death won’t kill you [TedTalk] by Kathy Kortes-Miller
TedTalk by Kathy Kortes-Miller titled Talking about death won’t kill you. In English with subtitles available.
For anyone grieving [Video] by Nurse Hadley- Hospice
Video on a metaphor around grief titled For anyone greiving by Nurse Hadley- Hospice on Youtube. In English with subtitles available.
Living My Culture
Website on how different cultures experience illness, dying, death, and bereavement. Includes many short videos from the following cultures: First Nations, Inuit, Metis, Chinese, Ethiopian, Filipino, Indian, Iranian, Italian, Pakistani, and Somali.
Website for grieving youth with information and advice from youth, for youth.
Le deuil : un outil pour le cartographier
This course offers a tool for identifying caregivers who are going through bereavement and experiencing more difficulties than they would normally, as well as the resources they have to draw on for better support. Offered for free in French on the EduLib online platform.
Biblio-Santé thematic booklets
Biblio-Santé compiles quality health-related guides on various health conditions and topics. Each guide includes a resource directory, reading suggestions, practical advice, and film, series & program suggestions.
Consult their website
Bereavement thematic booklet:
Caregivers thematic booklet:
Seniors & aging thematic booklet:
SPA-LTC toolkit
Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-term Care (SPA-LTC) is a national project conducting research and providing resources on palliative care within long-term care settings in Canada. They also offer province-specific informational pamphlets on preparing families for end of life and supporting family members in bereavement. Select your language and province at the top of the webpage.
Consult their website
Educational series offered online to professionals and volunteers (suggested donation fees $250). Aims to improve knowledge and skills around MAID and cover the history and process to access, as well as psychosocial and grief related issues and ways to support people impacted by MAID. 2 part series (2x 5h). Also offers presentations, information webinars, and internship/placement opportunities
After Caregiving (videos)
Video series on Youtube. After Caregiving shares the stories of former caregivers and explores the challenges they face as they transition out of this role and endeavor to find new purpose. In english with subtitles available.
Forward with dementia
Initiative sharing information and resources on dementia in multiple languages and adapted to different communities (Chinese community, Italian community, South asian community).
What’s your grief
This website promotes grief education, resources related to understanding and coping with grief and loss, and online courses about grief, along with resources, education, and training for grief counselors, grief volunteers, and other professionals.
Caregiver Centered Care
Offers a free online course on the foundational skills to support caregivers, as well as information and educational materials.
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice provides support and personalized information about advanced illness, palliative care, loss and grief, to people living with illness, family members, people working in healthcare, educators, and researchers.
Canadian Virtual Hospice also offers e-learning modules on grief and bereavement, including understanding and managing grief. Additional modules are provided based on the relationship with the deceased and different causes of death.
Consult their website
Grieving: A guide for your family and your friends
Booklets on various topics related to grief prepared by the McGill University Health Centre.
Information for parents on talking with Kids and Teens about Serious Illness, Dying and Death
Grief Tending
A series of podcast interviews with grief practitioners from around the world speaking about caring and loving those experiencing serious illness, dying, death and grief.
Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and theHeartbreaking Path of Grief by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore & Jeffrey Rubin
Book by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore and Jeffrey Rubin on the challenges of grief. Available on Amazon and other book retailers.
CIUSSS West CentralResources for caregivers
The website offers a list of resources pertaining to caregiving from general information, to workshops, other relavant community resources.
The Caregiver Space
The Caregiver Space connects individuals from across the country through online partforms and facebook, irrespective of one’s cargiving profile. Includes facebook groups for different groups and bereavement.