Our team

Photo of Pam Orzeck & Zelda Freitas presenting Caregiver Grief Connexion at the Canadian Caregiving Summit in Ottawa on November 6th, 2023, taken by Byfield-Pitman.

Pam Orzeck, MSW, PhD - Social Worker

Pam Orzeck has extensive experience in clinical and community practice, having worked as a front line social worker and research-practitioner for 25 years prior to joining the faculty at McGill University as Associate Professor in the School of Social Work. Pam has been involved in direct services, research, training, and knowledge transfer on multiple social issues related to family caregivers, social gerontology, social policy, and mental health. Pam’s latest research focused on women’s bereavement experiences after caregiving. She has published several articles and co-edited a book on professional interventions with caregivers. Pam is a founding member and part of the coordination team of the Caregiver Grief Connexion project.

Zelda Freitas, MSW - Social Worker

Zelda Freitas is a Social Worker and Clinical Senior Advisor with Professional Practice of the Directorate of Rehabilitation and Multidisciplinary Services of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal. She is an Adjunct Professor and course lecturer at the McGill University School of Social Work. Zelda’s experience involves training, knowledge transfer, psychosocial support on issues related to caregiving, palliative and end-of-life care, and older adults. She presents at international and national conferences and participates in research projects and publications. She serves on several advisory boards and is a volunteer member of the McGill Council on Palliative Care. Zelda is a founding member and part of the coordination team of the Caregiver Grief Connexion project.

Patrick Durivage, M.Sc. - Social Worker

A social worker in the home care program of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, Patrick Durivage is interested in the palliative care provided for older adults in the home context. He provides training to healthcare and social services professionals on the issues experienced by people at the end-of-life and by caregivers. As a research practitioner, Patrick collaborates with university partners on many research projects in the field. He is the co-author of publications on palliative home care and provides presentations on the subject at national and international congresses. Appointed by his professional order, Patrick was a commissioner to the Quebec End-of-life Commission (2015-2024) that examines any issue relating to end-of-life care and monitors the application of requirements relating to medical assistance in dying. He is also a member of the McGill Council on Palliative Care, which aims to raise public awareness on palliative care. Patrick is a founding member and part of the coordination team of the Caregiver Grief Connexion project.

Rebecca Pimienta, MSW - Social Worker

Rebecca Pimienta is the research project coordinator for the Caregiver Grief Connexion initiative funded by the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence. Rebecca has a BSW and MSW from McGill University and has research experience in the field of aging and dementia. Rebecca has also worked as a mental health case manager at Agence Ometz where she facilitated emotional regulation skills groups for young adults and adults. Rebecca’s research interests include aging, mental health, and wellness across all stages of life.

Amanda Keller, MSc

Amanda is the project manager for the Caregiver Grief Connexion initiative funded by the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence. She is currently a PhD candidate at McGill University and holds an MSc and BA. Amanda studies human development within vulnerable populations. With eight years of community-based clinical experience as a Case Manager, she has developed a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized and stressed communities. Amanda’s research interests include aging and wellness, with a particular focus on promoting health equity and enhancing the well-being of those most in need.

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