Online grief support group, private individual counselling with fees. Access to online information such as podcast, reading materials, self help guides, free grief journaling workshops, and more.
Mindfulness & Grief Institut
Online grief support group, private individual counselling with fees. Access to online information such as podcast, reading materials, self help guides, free grief journaling workshops, and more.
Living Through LossCounseling Society of BC
Individual therapy specialized in grief and bearevement counselling across British Colombia.
How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies by Therese A. Rando
Book on grief and bereavement by Therese Rando. Available on Amazon and other book retailers.
I Wasn’t Ready to Say GoodbyeSurviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One by Brook Noel & Pamela D Blair Ph.D.
Book on bereavement and coping after the sudden death of a loved on by Brook Noeland Pamela Blair. Available on Amazon and other book retailers.