La Maison des Petits Tournesols
Organization specializing in bereavement support for children children, adolescents and their families. Offering telephone support, individual support, support groups, discussion cafes and more. In French.
Organization specializing in bereavement support for children children, adolescents and their families. Offering telephone support, individual support, support groups, discussion cafes and more. In French.
Non-profit organization offering support services to individuals aged 50+ and their caregivers. Offering individual support, group support, and workshops for caregivers in the larger Chateauguay area. Bereavement support available as well.
Team of death doulas (partners with families, caregivers & medical team, provides support & advocacy), Funeral celebrants (non-religious funeral ceremonies), offering grief workshops and bereavement support. In French.
Bereavement support groups, individual support (external referral if professional psychological follow-up is required). Assists and guides Muslim individuals and families through the funeral process. Financial assistance for funeral expenses (form to be completed). Assistance in repatriating the deceased to their country of origin.
Non-profit organization offering services for caregives in the South west of Montreal. They offer individual and group support for bereaved caregivers known to the organization.